[Salon] Who’s next on Israel’s destruction list?


Who’s next on Israel’s destruction list?

The Middle East, gray political map with capitals and international borders. Geopolitical region encompassing the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey, Egypt, Iran and Iraq. Also called Near East. Image: iStock/PeterHermesFurian

If Israel invades and destroys Lebanon, which is already on its knees, what’s to stop it from moving into Syria or Jordan or any other country that does not bend to its will? Apparently nothing.

Since the US not only turns a blind eye to the war crimes of Israel, but aids and abets Benjamin Netanyahu and his cronies, we can surmise that Israel and the US will stop at nothing to achieve their aims, whatever those are. World domination? Who knows what limits their madness has?

Saying Hezbollah should be destroyed in Lebanon is no excuse for yet more civilians being killed – many of them children. Crush, destroy and keep everyone in the Middle East on their toes seems to be the objective. But at what price? Once Israel has obliterated all those around them and taken their prized possession of the West Bank and Gaza and perhaps occupied southern Lebanon and driven out all Palestinians from their sight, what then? How can they be at peace at dusk on a Friday when they know they have treated other humans so appallingly? How can they not feel for the Palestinian families who have been torn apart by occupation and bloody campaigns?

Humans rebel when they are treated unjustly; just look at why 7 October occurred. The Gazans were trapped in an open-air prison. The only way Israelis can live in peace is if they offer peace and humanity to those around them. It’s so obvious that a kindergartner would understand this. “Defence” is a red herring rotting under the heat of war – a thinly veiled disguise of religious violence, extremism and racism towards the Palestinians. One would have thought that WWII taught everyone that hatred of the “other” is no way to live our brief time on this earth and that no ideology can justify the slaying of a neighbour – particularly innocent civilians.

Back in May 2018 at the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said a prayer as he was surrounded by then president Donald Trump, his ill-qualified daughter, Ivanka and many other Christian Zionists present to cheer on the violation of international law that was the embassy move. Jeffress’ prayer was: “You [God] said to your servant Abraham that you would make him the father of a great nation, a nation through whom the whole world would be blessed… we see how Israel has been that blessing to the entire world.” I think Jeffress made a mistake. The “blessing” seems to have only been for Israel and the United States, which comprises only 0.12% and 4.23% respectively of the world population. Between them, their violence has affected the remaining 95%. How has this been allowed? Such blatant falsehoods as Pastor Jeffress spouts are not only delusional, but also dangerous delusion based on religious beliefs that disqualify everyone who doesn’t believe in a particular sacred text.

The then vice-president, Mike Pence, was one of the biggest advocates of the embassy relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He is a self-declared Christian Zionist. The flagrant disregard for Palestinian Muslims, not to mention the gross irresponsibility of moving the embassy, further destabilised an unstable region. It boggles the mind that members of the US administration can bully and bludgeon their way across the globe causing absolute havoc and disaster. The embassy move gave the green light for Israel to do as they wished because their running mate in the game of hegemony and violence, America, had their back. If Trump gets in again it doesn’t bear thinking what further elimination of Palestinians’ rights he will green light, pay for, aid, abet and encourage.

Israel can only develop a coherent plan for the future when its leaders’ minds aren’t clouded and murky with hatred. Hateful thinking produces hateful actions. The Palestinians are fodder for Israel’s hatred, and until revenge, greed and religious extremism are checked, there will be no peace for the upcoming generations of Israeli and Palestinian children. If young voices articulated what’s in their unadulterated hearts, they would beg for peace on both sides. I’ve said it before, but to reiterate, few care what faith their neighbour practices or which God they follow. If all live and let live with dignity and peace, then all can co-exist.

It’s been done before right in the region which now breeds such hatred, discrimination and violence. Jews and Arabs lived peaceably in Palestine prior to 1917 until Britain decided it would hand over Palestine (someone else’s land) to a group of Europeans. I have spoken to descendants of people who lived prior to 1917 and they confirmed their grandparents didn’t care if people were Jewish or Muslim, “they all just lived in peace”. Where there is justice, there is peace. Where there is occupation, oppression and injustice, there is bitterness, resentment and rebellion. It is such a simple lesson to comprehend.

The only solution to Israel’s problems is the road to peace and reconciliation

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